Water Demand Handbook | The Water Page

HR Wallingford, with funding from British DFID, in collaboration with Department for Water Development, Ministry of Rural Resources and Water Development, Zimbabwe, University of Zimbabwe, University of Zambia and University of ZululandThe Handbook for the Assessment of Catchment Water Demand and Use is aimed at organisations with an interest in water resources management at a catchment level in southern Africa. The Handbook responds to the growing need to balance supply-side and demand-side approaches to managing scarce water resources in river basins. It recognises that a plethora of research and methodologies are readily available to assist planners and managers to assess water resource availability in a catchment yet little is available to assist in assessing water demand and use. The Handbook aims to fill this gap by bringing together a range of methodologies, examples of their application, supporting information and key references. The Handbook for the Assessment of Catchment Water Demand and Use has been produced with funding from the Department for International Development (DFID) of the UK Government under the Knowledge and Research (KAR) programme. The work has been carried out as a collaborative venture between HR Wallingford (UK) and the Department for Water Development, Ministry of Rural Resources and Water Development (Zimbabwe), University of Zimbabwe, University of Zambia and the University of Zululand, South Africa.The Handbook is available for no cost.